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Fun little short game =) sometimes a simplistic little mini game is all ya need. Keep up the great work! your game is first in the video

Hey there,

Thanks a lot for playing our game. This is a great video. Love your channel, Keep playing more indie games.


HS: 35

I like the idea. Simple, yet addicting! But it would be good to add a bit more complexity in my opinion.

Also does this game have any audio or is it some problem on my part? If there is no music/sfx it would be great to add it. Even simple beaps and boops can add a lot to the game.

Good job! Keep going!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey MaGGam,

so glad you enjoyed the game. This was originally supposed to be updated with more enemies and speed increment and stuff. I accidentally lost the source file of the game from my computer. I hadn't kept a backup either, as this was a simple hobby project. Now I'm working on remaking the game from scratch.

And no, the current version doesn't have any kind of sounds. I will be sure to add them in the next version.

Thank you for playing.


(2 edits)

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